Age Mapping Mini-Course
With Kat Daou, Family Constellation Therapy Facilitator
Step into the world of Age Mapping, where we uncover the stories hidden in your family's past. By identifying key moments of trauma at different ages of your ancestors, we shed light on how they might be affecting you today at those same ages.
Have you ever experienced a life-altering health issue, decision, or change that you’ll never forget? It felt like, all of a sudden, you reached a certain age and your entire life, choices, body, or beliefs changed.
Often, these experiences can be traced back to something in our family system. There’s a deeply energetic tie to this, and an even deeper epigenetic component we can’t ignore. If we were to go back in time with our family members and explore their lives, we might see that the experiences our parents and grandparents went through are similar to what we’re going through.
Interestingly, the stories of their lives compared to ours may not look the same, but the themes will. If the word "themes" seems too intangible, think of it as wounds, beliefs, fears, or even, sometimes, blessings!
We will use age mapping to create timelines of your parents' and grandparents' lives, marking down significant milestones, major life experiences, choices they made, or changes that happened to them. It could be anything from trauma to miracles.
The good, the bad, the important—that’s our focus.
A Note From Kat
Hey friend! Welcome to the Age Mapping Mini-Course.
You’re about to take everything you knew about your family and learn to rewrite stories you didn’t even know you were writing in your own life. (yeah, I said it!) ✍️
➡️ The true benefit of doing this workshop is the ability to clearly
pin-point at what times in your life family trauma was being repeated.
Whew 😮💨!
But let’s reframe a bit…for every trauma you’re going to uncover, you’re also going to open Pandora’s Box of generational gifts as well. Whether it’s directly from your family or through what you learned healing from what your family went through.
Back when I started using Family Constellation Therapy (FCT) regularly to help me heal, my mentor always asked me to hold the vision of a future version of myself I was working towards. Based on my family’s trauma, she used to ask me to say, “I get to have big wild love, I get to keep my babies, and I get to be free + happy!” Honestly, at first it seemed like a pipe dream that would never come true. But here I am years later and I am literally watching that entire version of me unfold in the wildest ways.
👆So as you are sitting here contemplating whether or not to join, I invite you to think about your deepest desires. WHAT do you really want more of in life? Could there be an ancestral reason why it’s not happening? Are you curious to learn more about how your family’s experiences might be repeating in your life? How are you ready to move forward in your life?
Between my Ancestral Subconscious Meditation on day one, day two’s age mapping exercise, and day three’s deep dive into epigenetics 🧬, you’re going to be leaving this mini-course with so much valuable insight into understanding who you are on a much deeper level. I’m talking like mind, body, spirit, + ancestral understanding of what makes up the beautiful person you are. ✨
My hope for you at the end of this workshop is more clarity around where you may have, are, and will be faced with the opportunity to break generational cycles based on ages in this life.
Don’t forget what for every age that has passed, you can still break that cycle today. For everyone who is at a specific age now where you’re facing a fork in the road of repeat or repair, you are SO empowered in every possible way to slay the dragons 🐉 of patterns of the past just by becoming aware of what comes up in this mini-course. And for those who see future ages and get scared of the potential of repeating patterns, go back and read the last sentence about the slaying of the dragons + such…🤭
(key word: awareness)
And most importantly, to show you that you are not your trauma and it is not your identity.
With love + gratitude,
Kat Daou x
In Just 3 Days You Will:
use my Ancestral Subsconsious Meditation to connect with people in your lineage who are ready to show you, through their loving wisdom and guidance, where to look for healing around your intention for the workshop.
see where certain trauma patterns or themes may be continuing down your lineage at certain ages which will give you clarity on where you might be stuck in your family’s trauma through the Age Mapping Exercise.
learn more about epigenetics and how it affects the way that trauma gets passed down generation after generation
discover a new spark within you that you can and always will have the opportunity to evolve, grow, learn, and become who you truly dream to be!
Connect With Your Ancestors
We start off the mini-course with a bang! With the Ancestral Subconscious Meditation, we'll seek wisdom and support from your ancestors. In this meditation, you will connect with and talk to your ancestors to enhance your connection to your family system and understand their guidance. Enter the first day with an open mind and be ready for the insights and feelings that follow the meditation.
The Age Mapping Excersize
The big work begins now! On the second day, we'll start making your Age Map to deepen our curiosity about any missing family information. Regardless of your background, everyone is welcome because both genetics and environment shape us, and we may still be repeating generational patterns.
We finish off the last day with talking about epigenetics. We will talk about how trauma physically moves from one generation into another through Family Constellation Therapy, emotions, and more. You will get a more tangible understanding of how trauma is passed down.
💌 Comunity Love
As long as our ancestors are still suffering within us, we cannot be truly happy. If we make a step with awareness...we do this for all the past + future generations. They will all arrive at the same moment we arrive, and we will all find peace at the same time.— Thich Naht Hahn
Are you ready to:
A note for people who are adopted or don’t know their biological relatives:
People who are adopted may not be fully supported by this mini-course if they don't know about their biological family. While its still possible to age map with your adopted family, it may not provide all the information you're looking for because instead of 2 family systems to work on, you now have 4! Which is more blessings and gifts to inherit but also may be challenging to address in this mini-course. Use this at your discretion if you feel that you know enough about your biological parents lives to compare their lives with yours in regards to age. This is where a reading or a Family Constellation Therapy session can be more supportive than this mini-course. ❤️🩹